Saturday, November 10, 2012

D-39 days ... Ceilidh

Funny thing is the music is pretty much the same, but in Scotland they call it Ceilidh, in the US it goes by Barn Dance while it's referred to as Bush Dance Down Under.

In a big community social gatherings are always welcomed, especially when dancing is involved, regardless the name. Even more so when you don't have to have a partner, nor need you to be able to dance.

Tonight it got even better; instead of a CD (with instructions) we had a live band!!! It's amazing what a Scottish Fiddle guy (engineer by trade), an African drummer boy (our receptionist) and an American guitarist (nurse by trade). Needless to say, we had TONS of fun! :)

I made some videos too, but the Internet is so slow, maybe one day I can upload them once we are back home.

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