Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reka goes African

So... since the ship arrived in March a group of tailors come to the ship every week...
        since we arrived in February I kept walking by amazing fabric stores...
        since everybody is getting fancy African outfits...
        since I need some nice clothes to match my red shoes...

I decided to join the club! :)


Yes, I know - it looks Chinese. Sorry, cannot help it, my heart is still in Asia.
No, probably I will NOT wear my Converse with this dress - thought it's quite tempting!

Thanks Tom for choosing the fabric, great pick! The design was kinda given, I just picked it from their posters (granted, I made some adjustments) and I am glad to see the design fits the fabric.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look great! And I see no problem with wearing your Converse with your African dress.